
Seven Nation Army钢琴谱-TheWhiteStripes

2022-09-30 474




I'm gonna fight 'em off(我将要击退他们)

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back(就算是一支七国联军也无法阻挡我)

They gonna rip it off(他们要去欺骗了)

Taking their time right behind my back(一直跟在我身后把他们的时间都花在追赶我)

And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget(我在夜里自言自语因为我无法释怀)

Back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette(抽完一根烟后我反反复复来回思索)

And a message coming from my eyes says leave it alone(我眼中有个讯息说道随它去吧)

Don't want to hear about it(不想听有关它的一切)

Every single one's got a story to tell(每个人都有自己的故事要讲)

Everyone knows about it(每个人也都知道相关的事情)

From the queen of England to the hounds of hell(从英国的女王直到地狱里的猎犬)

And if I catch you coming back my way(而且如果我能让你成为我的归宿)

I'm going to serve it to you(我将会全心全意为你效劳)

And that ain't what you want to hear(这虽然不是你想要听到的)

but that's what I'll do(但这却是我将要去做的)

And a feeling coming from my bones says find a home(我骨子里的感觉说道:去找个家)

I'm goin' to Wichita(我要去威奇托了)

Far from this opera forevermore(永远地远离这座歌剧院)

I'm gonna work the straw(我要在稻草和秸秆中工作)

Make the sweat drip out of every pore(让每一个毛孔都冒着汗珠)

And I'm bleeding and I'm bleeding(我正流着血我正流着血)

and I'm bleeding right before my lord(我正站在我的主人面前流着血)

Oh, the words are going to bleed from me(哦,我所说的话也会是字字血泪)

and I will think no more(而且我不会再多考虑)

And the stains coming from my blood tell me go back home(我血液中的污点也告诉我:快点回家)

