

2022-10-15 12

《Umbrella》来自巴巴多斯岛的当红女歌手Rihanna出道三年来的第三张个人专辑《Good Girl Gone Bad》。与Jay-z合作的首波单曲《Umbrella》的朗朗上口的副歌,只要听过一次,就会跟着哼唱「you can stand under my umbrella」。

Rihanna的歌唱风格受1980年代流行音乐影响。在Billboard Hot 100榜单上有12首冠军单曲,是Billboard榜单52年历史上最快达到该成绩的个人歌手。她在2008年荣获第50届格莱美奖,是首位获格莱美奖的巴巴多斯女歌手。刚出道的Rihanna被各大媒体杂志纷纷封上“最受期待的明日之星”的称号,2009年更被奢侈品品牌GUCCI看中,成为GUCCI “Tattoo Heart Collection” 少女系列包包广告代言人。



Rihanna,Good gilr gone bad 蕾哈娜 好女孩变坏(女孩不坏 男孩不爱) Ahuh Ahuh (Take three... Action) 嗯哈 嗯哈 做三个动作 Ahuh Ahuh 嗯哈嗯哈 No clouds in my storms 我的暴风雨中没有云彩(神清气爽) Let it rain, 让雨下吧 I hydroplanehydroplane in the bank 我在浅滩上滑行(水上飞机) Coming down with the Dow Jones 正同(道格琼斯)指数一起下落(股价(道格琼斯)指数不关我的事), When the clouds come we gone, 乌云来时我们走, we Rocafella,我们是Rocafella(嘻哈家族), She fly higher than weather 看她展翅高飞, And she rocks it better 她摇滚更好, You know me, 你知道我 In anticipation for precipitation期待大雨的降落 I Stacked chips for a rainy day 我为雨天做好万全准备 Jay - Rainman is back 雨神归来, With little Ms. Sunshine - Rihanna 太阳之女蕾哈娜要登场。 Where you at? 请你接招。 RIHANNA - VERSE 1 You have my heart 把我的心交给了你 And we'll never be worlds apart 我们永不分离 May be in magazines 也许你是万人迷 But you'll still be my star 你依然是我的守护星 Baby cause in the dark 宝贝 因为在黑夜里 You can't see shiny cars 你看不见发亮的车子 And that's when you need me there 这时候你需要我 With you I'll always share 我愿意永远和你一起分享 [Chorus合唱] Because... 因为 HOOK When the sun shines, we’ll shine together 当阳光灿烂的时候 我们彼此照耀 Told you I'll be here forever 告诉你我永远在你身边 Said I'll always be a friend 我会永远当你的知己 Took an oath I'll stick it out till the end 我发誓陪着你到天长地久 Now that it's raining more than ever 滂沱大雨下不停 Know that we'll still have each other 我知道我们可以相互依靠 You can stand under my umbrella 到我伞下躲雨 You can stand under my umbrella 到我伞下躲雨 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh~ VERSE 2 These fancy things 没有什么事情 Will never come in between 会介入你我之间(的爱情) You're part of my entity 拥有你我才完整 Here for Infinity 你是我的永恒 When the war has took it's part 当战争将你我分离(也许事情无法尽如人意) And the world has dealt it's cards 当世界玩转它的游戏(好运气不在自己这一方 ) If the hand is hard 就算受伤很重 Together we'll mend your heart 我们还可以彼此抚慰心中的伤 Because... 因为 HOOK When the sun shines, we’ll shine together 当阳光灿烂的时候 我们彼此照耀 Told you I'll be here forever 告诉你我永远在你身边 Said I'll always be a friend 我会永远当你的知己 Took an oath I'll stick it out till the end 我发誓陪着你到天长地久 Now that it's raining more than ever 滂沱大雨下不停 Know that we'll still have each other 我知道我们可以相互依靠 You can stand under my umbrella 到我伞下躲雨 You can stand under my umbrella 到我伞下躲雨 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh~ BRIDGE You can run into my arms 你可以到我的怀里 It's okay don't be alarmed 没关系 别迟疑 Come into me 靠近我 There's no distance In between our love 我们的爱情之间没有距离 So go on and let the rain pour 就让大雨不停的下吧 I'll be all you need and more 我会一直陪伴着你 Because... 因为 HOOK When the sun shines, we’ll shine together 当阳光灿烂的时候 我们彼此照耀 Told you I'll be here forever 告诉你我永远在你身边 Said I'll always be a friend 我会永远当你的知己 Took an oath I'll stick it out till the end 我发誓陪着你到天长地久 Now that it's raining more than ever 滂沱大雨下不停 Know that we'll still have each other 我知道我们可以相互依靠 You can stand under my umbrella 到我伞下躲雨 You can stand under my umbrella 到我伞下躲雨 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella 在我的伞下 Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh~ OUTRO(尾声) It's raining, raining 天空正下着雨 Ooh baby it's raining, raining 下雨了 下雨了 Baby come into me 宝贝 快到我身边 Come into me 靠近我 It's raining, raining 天空正下着雨 Ooh baby it's raining, raining 下雨了 下雨了 You can always come into me 你可以随时靠近我 Come into me 靠近我 It's pourin' rain 在这倾盆大雨中 It's pourin' rain 在这倾盆大雨中 Come into me 靠近我

Rihanna(84) Umbrella(4)

