
American Pie钢琴谱-Don McLean

2022-10-16 0

《American Pie》(美国派)是美国民谣歌手Don McLean(唐·麦克林)的代表曲。

1971年,一直默默无闻的美国民谣歌手Don McLean(唐·麦克林)在灵感泉涌中写下了一首超长的歌曲《American Pie》(美国派),不仅使他一夜成名,而且把他和他的这首作品一直流传到了21世纪的今天。1977年,张国荣拿这首歌参加了亚洲歌唱大赛,由于比赛时间的限制,哥哥Leslie在1977年的比赛中唱了一4分钟左右版本的American pie,成为亚军,并以对黎小田说唱一半歌曲会使歌“make no sense(没有感觉,失去了原汁原味)”,使黎小田对他刮目相待。以此,奠定了Leslie进军歌坛的基础和信心。

而后来,麦当娜也曾经唱过一个4分钟版本的Ameircan pie。Leslie曾经在他的热情演唱会上说过:说到American pie,年长一些的朋友会说这是Don McLean(唐·麦克林)的American pie。而年轻一些的朋友呢,会说这是麦当娜的American pie。但是说呢,在中间的朋友(中年人,那些伴随哥哥成长的人,一直听他的歌并支持他的人)会说,这当然是张国荣的American pie!

歌词下方是American Pie钢琴谱,欢迎大家使用。

American Pie歌词:

A long, long time ago,I can still remember我依旧铭记那段旧时光 How that music used to make me smile音乐总是让我莞尔微笑 And I knew if I had my chance 而我明白 如果我有机会 That I could make those people dance 能让那些人翩翩起舞 And, maybe, they’d be happy for a while. 他们也许会开心一阵子 But February made me shiver with every paper I’d deliver. 但我在二月送出的每份报纸都令我不寒而栗 Bad news on the doorstep噩耗就躺在门阶上 I couldn’t take one more step. 我的腿像灌铅了一样 I can’t remember if I cried 我忘记我是否流下了眼泪 When I read about his widowed bride 当我得知他遗孀的消息 but something touched me deep inside 但有些事却深深触动了我 the day the music died. 那日,音乐已死 So bye-bye, miss American pie.那么,再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.可惜码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” this’ll be the day that I die 有朝一日我终将死去 Did you write the book of love“爱之书”是你写的吗? And do you have faith in God above if the Bible tells you so?如果圣经告诉你这些,你会信仰上帝吗? Do you believe in rock n roll, 你还相信摇滚吗? Can music save your mortal soul?音乐能否拯救你那终将逝去的灵魂? and can you teach me how to dance real slow? 你能教我如何慢舞吗? Well, I know that you’re in love with him好吧,我知道你已经爱上了他 `cause I saw you dancing in the gym因为我看到你们在健身房里翩翩起舞 You both kicked off your shoes舞到你们双双踢掉了鞋子 Man, I dig those rhythm and blues兄弟,我终于弄清了R & B I was a lonely teenage broncing buck我曾是个孤单的少年 With a pink carnation and a pickup truck拿着粉色康乃馨,驾着皮卡车 But I knew I was out of luck 但我知道我不够幸运 The day the music died那日,音乐已死 I started singing 我开始吟唱 Bye-bye, miss American pie.再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.可惜码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” Now for ten years we’ve been on our own十年后的如今却属于我们 And moss grows fat on a Rollin stone滚石上长满了苔藓 But that’s not how it used to be但却早已不是当初的模样 When the jester sang for the king and queen当那个宫廷小丑向国王与王后献唱时 In a coat he borrowed from James dean他穿着詹姆士迪恩的外套 And a voice that came from you and me声音却来自你与我 Oh, and while the king was looking down , 当国王颔首之时 The jester stole his thorny crown宫廷小丑窃走了那多刺的王冠 The courtroom was adjourned 审判被延期 No verdict was returned. 判决迟迟未下 And while Lennon read a book of Marx 当列侬研读马克思时 The quartet practiced in the park 四重奏在公园里上演了 And we sang dirges in the dark我们却在黑暗中唱起了挽歌 The day the music died那日,音乐已死 We were singing 我们开始吟唱 Bye-bye, miss American pie.再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.但码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” Helter skelter in a summer swelter 炎热的夏日暴动不断 The birds(Byrds) flew off with a fallout shelter鸟儿从破巢中飞走 Eight miles high and falling fast八英里高却急速坠下 It landed foul on the grass 最终落在污秽的草上。 The players tried for a forward pass球员们尝试着前进传球 With the jester on the sidelines in a cast.场边坐着受伤的宫廷小丑 Now the half-time air was sweet perfume 中场休息时的空气却是甜美的香 While the sergeants played a marching tune 当中士吹响行军的号角 We all got up to dance我们都起来舞蹈 Oh, but we never got the chance!但我们却再无机会了 `cause the players tried to take the field因为球员马上就要上场 The marching band refused to yield军乐队拒绝投降 Do you recall what was revealed这时你是否想起了什么? The day the music died那日,音乐已死 We started singing 我们开始吟唱 Bye-bye, miss American pie.再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.可惜码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” this’ll be the day that I die 有朝一日我终将死去 This’ll be the day that I die有朝一日我终将死去 Oh, and there we were all in one place我们曾经聚在一起 A generation lost in space迷失的一代 With no time left to start again 但没有时间重来了 So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick所以,加油啊!杰克,快一点,再快一点 Jack Flash sat on a candlestick聪明机灵的杰克坐在蜡烛上 Cause fire is the devils only friend.因为火焰才是恶魔最好的朋友 Oh, and as I watched him on the stage 当我看着舞台上的他时 My hands were clenched in fists of rage我的双臂却被愤怒的手紧紧抓住 No angel born in hell地狱里生出的天使 Could break that Satan spell.怎能破解魔鬼的咒语 And as the flames climbed high into the night 火焰升入夜空 To light the sacrificial rite 照亮了整个祭礼 I saw Satan laughing with delight 我看见撒旦得意的笑了 The day the music died 那日,音乐已死 He was singing 他吟唱着 Bye-bye, miss American pie.再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.可惜码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” this’ll be the day that I die 有朝一日我终将死去 I met a girl who sang the blues 我遇到一个唱着蓝调的女孩 And I asked her for some happy news 我问她是否有好消息 But she just smiled and turned away而她却只是微笑着转身离开 I went down to the sacred store 我又走到那间唱片店 Where I heard the music years before多年前我曾在这听到我要的音乐 But the man there said the music wouldn’t play 但那里的人告诉我再也不会播放了 And in the streets: the children screamed在街道上:孩子们尖叫着 The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed恋人们哭泣着,诗人们做着梦 But not a word was spoken却都一言不发 The church bells all were broken 教堂的钟声响起 And the three men I admire most: 有三个男人我最敬佩 The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost神父、圣子与圣灵 They caught the last train for the coast 他们赶上了去往死亡海岸最后一班列车 The day the music died 那日,音乐已死 And they were singing 他们吟唱着 Bye-bye, miss American pie.再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.可惜码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” this’ll be the day that I die 有朝一日我终将死去 He was singing 他吟唱着 Bye-bye, miss American pie.再见吧,美国派小姐 Drove my Chevy to the levee开着我的雪弗兰到了码头 But the levee was dry.可惜码头早已干涸 And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye 那些老男孩们喝着黑麦威士忌 Singing, this’ll be the day that I die唱着“有朝一日我终将死去” this’ll be the day that I die 有朝一日我终将死去

Don(59) American(13) McLean(5) Pie(5)

