Song of the Sea (Lullaby)是法国歌手Nolwenn Leroy演唱的一首歌曲。Nolwenn Leroy诺文·列雷 ,法国歌手,歌作曲家,法国第二届“明星学院”冠军。
Song of the Sea (Lullaby)是动画电影《海洋之歌》的片尾曲。《海洋之歌》是由爱尔兰Cartoon Saloon公司制作,比利时、丹麦、法国、卢森堡等多家工作室联合投拍的动画片,由汤姆·摩尔执导,布莱丹·格里森、菲奥纽拉·弗拉纳根、帕特·绍特等参与配音。该片由出品方乐华娱乐、华桦传媒引进中国国内。该片讲述了小男孩本和他的妹妹西尔莎在经历各种冒险后,最终回家的故事。该片于2014年12月10日在法国上映,2016年8月12日在中国上映。
hush now, my story
close your eyes and sleep waltzing the waves diving the deep
stars are shining bright the wind is on the rise whispering words of long-lost lullabies
oh, won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold and in the morning sun we'll be sailing
oh, won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky and as the clouds roll by we'll sing the song of the sea
I had a dream last night
and heard the sweetest sound I saw a great white light and dancers in the round castles in the sand cradles in the trees
don't cry, I'll see you by and by
oh, won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold and in the morning sun we'll be sailing
oh, won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky and as the clouds roll by we'll sing the song of the sea
oh, won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold and in the morning sun we'll be sailing free
oh, won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky and as the clouds roll by we'll sing the song of the sea
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