
Love You Anymore钢琴谱-Michael Buble

2022-09-30 0

Love You Anymore是Michael Buble演唱的歌曲。Michael Buble是当今享誉全球的新浪漫主义爵士歌手,他的歌以丝绒般的魅力风靡世界,获得诸多赞誉。Buble的舞台魅力十足,他的肢体动作很多,一边唱歌一边扭动身体,让观众不自觉也想跟着他摇摆起来。同时,他还很风趣幽默。Buble是整个北美,乃至全世界最红的歌手之一,而他也由于健康的外形和老少通吃的个人气质,成了整个流行乐坛难得一见的实力偶像派。他将现代色彩的爵士乐唱法和流行音乐之间完美的融合在一起。

Love You Anymore歌词:

Just because I wander 'round the places we would go

Hoping that I'd run into you one last time

Just because I never took your picture off my phone

Doesn't mean that you're still on my mind

Just because I accidentally slipped and said your name

Well I heard your song it makes me insecure

Just because I know I'll never ever feel the same

Doesn't mean I love you anymore

Am I lying to myself again

When I say you're not the best I've ever had

Am I lying to myself again

When I say that I'm not missing you so bad

Just because I'm on my knees and swearing I would change

And I'd do anything to hear you say "I'm yours"

Just because I know I'll never ever feel the same

Doesn't mean I love you anymore

Am I lying to myself again

When I say you're not the best I've ever had

Am I lying to myself again

When I say that I'm not missing you so bad

Just because I'm on my knees and swearing I would change

And do anything to hear you say "I'm yours"

Just because I know I'll never ever feel the same

Doesn't mean I love you anymore more

Doesn't mean I love you anymore anymore anymore

Doesn't mean I love you anymore

You(1140) Love(674) Michael(64) Anymore(19) Buble(7)

