

2022-12-08 4


Secrets此曲由OneRepublic演唱。收录在其专辑《苏醒 (Waking Up)》中。OneRepublic,中译名“共和时代”,是美国的一个流行摇滚乐队,曲风走流行、独立摇滚的路线。



I need another story 我需要新的故事

Something to get off my chest 一吐胸中的块垒

My life gets kind of boring 生活变得有点乏味

Need something that I can confess 需要些让我能忏悔的事情

Till all my sleeves are stained red (我愿为我说的抗争)直到我的衣袖沾满血迹

From all the truth that I've said 我说的句句属实

Come by it honestly I swear 对此我信誓旦旦

Thought you saw me wink, no 你以为我神采奕奕,不

I've been on the brink, so 我的心走到了崩溃的边缘,那就请

Tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的

Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意欲夺人耳目的新鲜猛料吗

I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

This time 此时此刻

Don't need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言

Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责

I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

My God 主啊

Amazing that we got this far 我们行走乐坛之路竟已迢迢

It's like we're chasing all those stars 就好像我们在追逐着那些明星大腕

Who's driving shiny big black cars 他们开着宽敞漆黑闪亮的豪车

And everyday I see the news, all the problems that we could solve 每天我看到新闻里 似乎所有问题我们都可迎刃而解

And when a situation rises, just write it into an album 当重大事件来袭时 仅仅是顺手写入专辑

Seen it straight to gold 稍加演唱便可一路飙升至金曲

I don't really like my flow, no, so 我真的不愿随波逐流 不

Tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的

Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意欲夺人耳目的新鲜猛料吗

I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

This time 此时此刻

Don't need another perfect lie 不需要完美的谎言

Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责

I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

Got no reason, got not shame 无需理由 无需羞愧

Got no family I can blame 无需向我的亲朋好友责备抱怨

Just don't let me disappear 只是不要对我视而不见

I'mma tell you everything 我会向你倾吐所有

So tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的

Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意欲夺人耳目的新鲜猛料吗

I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

This time 此时此刻

Don't need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言

Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责

I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

So tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的

Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意欲夺人耳目的新鲜猛料吗

I'm sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

This time 此时此刻

Don't need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言

Don't care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责

I'm gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密

All my secrets away 倾吐我所有的秘密

All my secrets away 倾吐我所有的秘密

OneRepublic(54) Secrets(11)

