When the Party's Over是Billie Eilish演唱的一首歌曲。收录于2018年10月17日发行的专辑《When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?》中。Billie Eilish是天生的歌姬,吟咏如评书,让人深陷其中,开口一瞬,便抓了耳朵,却又在下一秒欲擒故纵的放下,眨了眨深蓝的眼睛,似乎等着你自个儿不由自主的贴上来。她冷漠,如错乱城市里落灰积沉的灯盏,一如既往的耀眼却又孤独,带着一种病入膏肓的美感,不紧不慢不骄不躁的踱入你的世界,用她那氤氲振荡与空气便成了毒药的嗓子侵蚀你的心。她让你偏爱,让你执着于迷乱于她,却又在一首歌短短几分钟后悄然而去,不拂走一缕尘埃,不留下一丝痕迹,就像是一盅熬了良久的汤入了口,只留唇齿间那段流芳,惊艳了岁月,惊艳了时光。 她是BillieEilish,无需高音,低吟浅唱间便俘获你温柔的疯狂。
When the Party's Over歌词:
Don't you know I'm no good for you
I've learned to lose you can't afford to
Tore my shirt to stop you bleeding
But nothing ever stops you leaving
Quiet when I'm coming home I'm on my own
I could lie and say I like it like that like it like that
I could lie and say I like it like that like it like that
Don't you know too much already
I'll only hurt you if you let me
Call me friend but keep me closer
And I'll call you when the party's over
Quiet when I'm coming home I'm on my own
And I could lie and say I like it like that like it like that
Yeah I could lie and say I like it like that like it like that
But nothing is better sometimes
Once we both said our goodbyes
Let's just let it go
Let me let you go
Quiet when I'm coming home I'm on my own
I could lie and say I like it like that like it like that
I could lie and say I like it like that like it like that
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