《Sunroof》是美国歌手Nicky Youre与音乐人Dazy共同合作的单曲,于2021年12月3日发行。
同时,凭借《Sunroof》,Nicky Youre开始在全球受到关注,并与哥伦比亚唱片公司签约。听众们被他歌曲中抓耳的旋律,引人共鸣的歌词和积极向上的能量深深感染,并翘首期盼着他未来更多的作品。
La da la da da la da da
La da la da di da da la da da da da
La da la da da la da da
La da la da di da
I got my head out the sunroof
I'm blasting our favorite tunes
I only got one thing on my mind
You got me stuck on the thought of you
You're making me feel brand new
You're more than a sunshine in my eyes
You got those pretty eyes in your head you know it
You got me dancing in my bed so let me show it
You are exactly what I want kinda cool and kinda not
Wanna give myself to you
Yeah we're driving down the freeway at night
I only got one thing in the back of my mind
You got me stuck on the thought of you
I'm feeling like this might be my time to shine with you
With you with you
I got my head out the sunroof
I'm blasting our favorite tunes
I only got one thing on my mind
You got me stuck on the thought of you
You're making me feel brand new
You're more than a sunshine in my eyes
I got my head out the sunroof
Ohhh woah ohhh woah ooooh
You got me stuck on the thought of you
Ohhh woah ohhh woah ooooh
Yeah we're driving down the freeway at night
I only got one thing in the back of my mind
You got me stuck on the thought of you
I'm feeling like this might be my time to shine with you
With you with you
I got my head out the sunroof
I'm blasting our favorite tunes
I only got one thing on my mind
You got me stuck on the thought of you
You're making me feel brand new
You're more than a sunshine in my eyes
La da la da da la da da
La da la da di da da la da da da da
La da la da da la da da
La da la da di da da da da
La da la da da la da da
La da la da di da da la da da da da
La da la da da la da da
La da la da di da da da da
时光笔墨钢琴谱 张碧晨-谁为谁失魂落魄
繁花钢琴谱 董贞 十里春风繁花如你
那年夏天钢琴谱 许飞|这个夏天虽然枯燥 却一如既往的美好
认真的雪钢琴谱 薛之谦-电视剧妈妈像花儿一样插曲
瞬间钢琴谱-邓紫棋|谁心不灭 爱的一瞬间
等你下课钢琴谱 周杰伦 等待的人是时光中为你停驻的美好
别说我的眼泪你无所谓钢琴谱 东来东往 看我流泪你头也不回
还是我钢琴谱 韦礼安-还是会不知所措 没有我你会不会寂寞
春风吹钢琴谱 |春风一吹想起谁,春风一吹忘记谁
匈牙利狂想曲钢琴谱 深藏功与名的猫和老鼠配乐,每一个音符都是“动画”
sweet devil钢琴谱-初音未来会版本
Surfboard Boogie钢琴谱-Martha Mier
Because He Lives钢琴谱-Bill Gloria Gaither
Bad Apple钢琴谱-ZUN
Pied Piper钢琴谱-防弹少年团 BTS
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean